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St Anne's School and Sixth Form College

We All Achieve


Eco Schools


Science Policy 2023


Science Learning

 lower school science
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 upper school science
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May 2023

Birch held a Bake Sale for Hedgehog Awareness Week, raising £77.50 for our prickly friends 

October 2022

'We have been learning abut different types of materials and their properties'

March 2022

For BSW (British Science Week) we undertook a variety of activities including making shape sculptures and planting seeds:

St Anne’s has again successfully retained the Green Flag Award following our assessment. Well done to everyone!


St Anne’s successfully achieved the renewal of the Eco Schools Green Flag Award in July 2023. We received fabulous feedback from our assessment, including the following comments; 'Your greatest successes link clearly to the experience of your pupils. Coming together and working on things as a school and achieving things collaboratively gives a huge sense of satisfaction and we are sure that everybody involved in your work this year is very proud of all they’ve achieved'.

We are now working towards our next renewal date of July 2024. 

As part of this drive, and to support our learning within our different topics, we continue to participate in campaigns including Switch Off Fortnight, What’s Under Your Feet? and Waste Week. 

Eco Schools Sustainable Topics are embedded into the broad curriculum at St Anne’s. We are very proud to have achieved four Eco-School Green Flag renewals over the last few years, allowing our students to develop their knowledge and understanding of sustainable themes and participate in fun campaigns and learning activities.

As part of our Biodiversity and School Grounds topics, we focus on improving our environment by developing horticultural skills in order to attract more wildlife to our grounds. Our setting provides the perfect location for outdoor learning which classes can use to enhance sustainable learning.

St Anne's is looking forward to our Science Week in May 2024. Our theme this year is 'Bubbles and Balloons' where we will be exploring activities and experiments linked to this theme.

Waste Week March 2024

During Waste Week at St Anne's we will develop our learning about the importance of managing waste by 'reducing, reusing and recycling'.

 Science - waste
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See our gallery from Lab Rascals and Science Week ......