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St Anne's School and Sixth Form College

We All Achieve



Maths Lead .... Hannah Brown


At St Anne’s we intend to develop our students mathematical and numeracy skills to provide opportunities to explore, investigate and understand the world around them. Our students have access to a mathematical curriculum tailored to their needs and made to develop their understanding of number, shape, space, and measure and understanding and applying maths. We focus heavily on developing their mathematical independence and decision making skills in preparation for adult life and have access to opportunities for maths in both explicit maths lessons and more discrete ways.

We do this by working with our students regularly on specific mathematical targets, in small or individual groups with teaching staff. Our students are taught in a variety of functional contexts to enable them to gain an understanding of mathematical concepts in relation to their daily lives, for example community visits to cafes, shops etc. For the students who require it, they have access to TEACCH work and other systems appropriate for their learning. The students take part in practical mathematical activities e.g. food technology, shopping, role play and have access to a variety of resources including Numicon. Our students consolidate their mathematical learning and practice of routines during the school day, including playtimes and lunchtimes as well as using computers and other I.C.T. resources to support and develop their understanding of mathematical concepts. Finally, our students work towards recognised qualifications in maths, including ASDAN and AQA entry level to further prepare them for adult life.

Useful Maths Websites

The following are links for websites to support maths learning at home, with a brief explanation of how to use them

White Rose Maths  - These are split into mainstream year group sections, so it is important to choose activities that are appropriate to your child’s ability rather than year group. Each section contains a short video showing you clearly and simply how to help your child complete the activity successfully.

TWINKL - is a great resource for readymade activities for your children to work through. You could use this to look at resources appropriate for their learner profile maths targets or ideas for maths opportunities for learning around your home.

SEN Teacher - This website includes both printable downloads and online games to download, developed specifically for students with special educational needs.

Maths Frame - Tablet friendly maths games are included on this website, as well as plenty of other maths resources.


If you have any queries or questions about your child’s maths learning at home, please do not hesitate to contact the school for further support.




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Times Table Rockstars / Numbots
Every student in school now has a Times Table Rockstars and Numbots login and password. These websites are to support maths and focus on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. If you are unsure of your child's log in, please contact their class teacher. 
Times Table Rockstars Links
Link to download on Google App Store - Times Tables Rock Stars – Apps on Google Play
Link to download on iTunes App Store - Times Tables Rock Stars on the App Store (
Numbots Links
Link to download on Google App Store - NumBots – Apps on Google Play
Link to download on iTunes App Store - NumBots on the App Store (