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St Anne's School and Sixth Form College

We All Achieve


COMING SOON - a brand new building and a brand new website .....

Welcome Message

A warm welcome from all at St Anne’s. 

As an outstanding school, sixth form and residence, we offer an inclusive environment where our motto ‘we all achieve’ is at the forefront of all the work we undertake. 

All staff working at St Anne’s  strive to provide a safe and supportive environment which responds to the needs of our pupils.  We provide all pupils with opportunities and experiences through a personalised curriculum intended to develop life skills and independence – preparing them for life after St Anne’s.  

The individual needs of our pupils are central to our planning and development. As our school continues to grow, we have developed links with our local community - with colleges, neighbouring primary schools, three academies, a water activity centre, an equestrian centre, and local sporting facilities, and have two enterprises of our own – a weekly café and a grocery shop. 

We continuously review and reflect on our practice, so we gratefully receive any compliments, comments and suggestions. Visitors are always welcomed at the school, when they can view the facilities we offer.

Mrs Lesley Davis - Head teacher

St Anne's School and Sixth Form College

Tel: 01482 667379

Local Offer 2021

Latest School Events

Safer Internet Day11Feb2025

Activities across the week in classes linked to promoting the safe and responsible use of online technology and mobile phones.

World Book Week03Mar2025

To celebrate World Book Day. Various activities such as Author visit and Book reviews. Most importantly World Book Day Dress Up Day.

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